Team Manager Info
Team Managers are an integral part of Pensacola Junior Ice Flyers, Northwest Florida Hockey League (PJIF - NWFHL)
Thank you for agreeing to serve as the Team Manager and taking on this crucial position for your Pensacola Junior Ice Flyers team. An organized Team Manager is vital to a successful season. The team manager oversees the coordination and communication of all operational aspects of your team. You are the primary liaison and support between the board, coaching staff, the team, and the parents.
This handbook was developed to make your experience as a Team Manager as smooth as possible. The first month may appear confusing as you begin to learn the paperwork and scheduling. Hopefully, this handbook can clarify some of the questions. Being a Team Manager is an educational and rewarding position. You and your family can take great pride, in knowing your involvement made for a positive experience for your Skaters, Parents, and Coaches.
The Team Manager wears many hats during the hockey season. You will quickly discover you do not have the time to perform all the job duties. Delegating some of these duties to other team parents will enable you to have a successful season. The benefit of including parents you can rely on to get a job done is two-fold. Not only does it lighten your load, but it also makes others become responsible, making them feel even more a part of the team. Parents who are an active part of an event will find it more difficult to offer criticism and tend to have a more positive outlook.
Some Volunteer roles to consider for your team are as follows:
- Website/Team APP (Upload games and STATS)
- Weekend Itineraries
- Water Bottles
- Pucks
- Team Meals Coordinator (one every weekend either Hotel Lobby/Pool deck or Restaurant)
- Community Service Coordinator
- Videographer (FB Live/Team Manager App Live to record the game for parents not able to attend)
- Social Media Coordinator (Send game stats/photos to Communications Director -
- Snacks / Drinks (host games)
- Fundraising Coordinator (coordinate Team fundraisers with Fundraising director)
- Off-Ice Training coordinator (from Coach)
- Host games - parents are needed to work the scoresheets, time clock, music, and penalty box. You will need volunteers for each hosted game - each parent should volunteer at least once during the Host weekend, no parent should have to pull two slots in one game.
Team Manager duties include picking up extra team uniforms (jersey, socks, etc.), gear orders, and other equipment from the Equipment Manager, verifying all items are accounted for and distributed to each family.
**The duties/needs mentioned here may change per each team coach's disbursement of tasks. Please go over this handbook with your team's coach prior to the season starting.
All volunteers (Team Manager, Head Coach, Assistant Coaches, On, and Off-Ice Practice Assistants) must complete the following requirements BEFORE being permitted to interact with minors through their role:
Being a team manager of your teams means you are also a member of USA Hockey. Make sure to register for a
USA Hockey number. It is mandatory for a manager to be a member. This will need to be completed by November 1st before the start of the season. SYTHL/SAHOF travel team managers will need to complete this registration by August 1st.
USA Hockey provides the foundation for ice hockey in America; it helps young people become leaders, even Olympic heroes; and connects the game at every level while promoting a lifelong love of the sport.
Registering as Manager (You will need your USA Hockey Registration Number before you can register for the required SafeSport Training & Background Check)
Team Managers, even if you already have a USA Hockey registration number for the current season, you still need to register as an “Ice Manager/Volunteer.” There is no charge for this registration.
Coaches/Assistant Coaches will need to complete registration by October, before the start of the season. SYTHL/SAHOF Travel Head/Assistant coaches will need to complete this registration by August 1st.. SYTHL/SAHOF mandate that the roster is certified before league play can begin. This means that all registration, modules, etc. must be completed by August 1st for the rosters to be sent to the appropriate parties to be certified.
When you register on USA Hockey, please remember that you must use the same name as years prior (i.e., Tim vs. Timothy). This is particularly important for coaches so that USA Hockey will recognize clinics and modules that have been completed.
Steps to Become a Member:
- Become a Member
- Register Now
- Click "Manager/Volunteer"
After following all four steps, you will obtain a USA Hockey registration number. This will be your USA Hockey number for the current season. Please send this number to the Registrar immediately.
Register for SafeSport Training & Background screening.
SafeSport Training
Beginning April 1, 2019, The SafeSport Training and Refresher Training courses are valid for one (1) season. Once the Core SafeSport Course has been completed, you may only complete the Refresher Course for recertification the following year. This will need to be completed before the start of the season. SYTHL/SAHOF Travel team managers will need to complete this registration by August 1st.
Register for SafeSport Training
Print or save a copy of your SafeSport Certificate of Completion by following the directions provided through USA Hockey. Please send a copy of your certification to the Registrar immediately after obtaining it.
Keep a copy of your certification in your Team Manager binder.
Background Check
The Southern Amateur Hockey of Florida (SAHOF) is the affiliate agency governing PJIF’s compliance with USA Hockey’s coach and volunteer background checks mandate. The cost of the background check is $30, your own expense.
The new national program begins April 1, 2020, in conjunction with registration for the 2020-21 season. USA Hockey has selected NCSI to provide its background screening, a company that is the gold standard in the industry.
All adult coaches, Team managers, officials, board members, employees, volunteers, and anyone else who will have regular contact with, or authority over, athletes under the age of 18 are required to submit to a background screen before any such contact with those athletes.
Team Manager Binder (This should always be with you.)
Below are some items that you will want to keep in a binder for easy access in the event of an emergency or parent question.
- ALL parents/guardians and players must sign a PJIF Code of Conduct Agreement.
- Parent / Guardian and Player Code of Conduct Forms – should be completed by each parent/player at the parent meeting. These will need to be kept in your TM binder.
- Team Contact Roster – Name, Player name, phone numbers of both parents, email, etc. for families so that they can be contacted regarding last-minute schedule changes, communication when traveling out of town, etc. Do not post this information since this includes personal information.
- Official Player Roster – Applies to all levels. Player rosters will be completed after team selection. The PJIF Registrar will obtain verified team rosters and provide them to each team, and the State Registrar will stamp the roster. Please check your email for the official stamped roster. Also, check the roster for accuracy, especially noting that all birthdates are correct.
- Players who are new to travel hockey must have their birth certificate submitted to the PJIF Registrar for the team to obtain its USA Hockey Official Roster. All players should have entered their 2022-2023 USA Hockey Registration number when they completed their registration for tryouts. These will need to be kept in your TM binder. Any unique Canadian or other releases/certifications/documents will need to be in the binder.
- Player Medical Forms (in a confidential folder within the binder)
- PJIF Covid Policy (printed copy) (when applicable)
- Host Location Covid Policy (printed copy) (when applicable)
- Parent/Player Covid Policy Contract (signed copies) (when applicable)
- Incident forms
- Current Team Budget – The Team Manager is responsible for the team’s finances and will be provided with an online Excel spreadsheet for the team’s budgeting purposes. This budget and any receipts need to be kept current and turned in monthly to the Head Coach & PJIF Treasurer.
- Any out-of-pocket expenses (snacks/drinks for host weekend) MUST be submitted to the treasurer for reimbursement. The form for reimbursement is included in the binder.
- Score Sheets - NEW - go to the SYTHL website and click on the Scoresheet Tab and print your score sheets for the weekend they are pre-populated with the players and coaches and all of the game info! SYTHL rules when using these: o All roster changes need to be reported to John Sullivan, by Wednesday.
- By noon on Thursday, before you host, the scoresheet tab will have a link for you to print the scoresheets! MAKE sure you print them landscape
- If you want to have a copy for the other teams or someone else, take a picture or scan the completed scoresheets.
- Safesport Certificates for all Coaches/Volunteers
- Copy of Game schedule for the weekend with the Volunteer schedule.
- Both practice and game schedules can change with little advance notice. Please remind parents to check the team calendar often (daily, if possible). BOTH the PJIF Website AND Team Manager APP.
- Any changes/additions/cancellations regarding ice time are typically handled by the head coach, Scheduler, and hockey director (CIC).
- Team managers should communicate any schedule changes to their team once they know those decisions by updating the team manager App.
Expenses that require reimbursement will require documentation showing completion, including receipts/certificates, and should be submitted to the treasurer to receive reimbursement. Reimbursements will be made through a check from PJIF to the individual.
Team Manager Budget
The Team Manager shall receive $300, which is budgeted. This will be used for Host weekend snacks/ drinks, supplies for Scoreboard Displays, etc.
Travel Hockey Commitment
As per the PJIF Player Commitment Letter that each Parent/Player signs they are agreeing to the following:
- Travel Team Time Commitment: The travel season will be based on the SYTHL schedule, and teams will also travel to 2 or 3 tournaments. Players should plan on traveling at least two to three weekends a month throughout the season (Friendly games, league games, and tournaments).
- Travel Team Fees: Travel program fees including practices; home and away games within the selected league; home and away exhibition series; and, tournaments will be managed through a predefined payment plan (Team Account). Failure to make payments per the plan will result in a $25 late fee for every day beyond the 3-day grace period. In addition, all players must adhere to the USA Hockey equipment/dress code. All travel expenses, warm-ups, and added team practices or training are additional and are the parent’s responsibility. If a parent is delinquent on their monthly team payment, that child will not be allowed on the ice until the account is current.
- Locker-Rooms: (Home & Away) Use of the rink and the locker rooms is a privilege, not a right. The Pensacola Bay Center may restrict the use of locker rooms. Before a practice or game, players should arrive at the rink to dress at a time designated by individual coaches. NFHL will not tolerate excessive noise, roughhousing, physical abuse of locker rooms, inappropriate language, or other displays of poor judgment. If the Bay Center’s Manager-on-Duty becomes involved in any locker room issues, the offending team’s locker room privileges may be suspended. It is the team’s responsibility to clean locker rooms after use and leave them in an orderly fashion. The offending team, or individual, if known, will be held financially responsible for any damage they may cause to a locker room. Team coaches, managers, and parents will work together to provide adult supervision in the locker room.
- There MUST be an Adult in the locker room AT ALL TIMES when players are present. Players will not be allowed to puck/ball handle in the locker rooms (home/away). Players who are disruptive in the locker rooms will be benched for a period determined by the head coach. Players who continue to misbehave will be required to dress at home/hotel.
- A Parent of the Mite (8U) Division and below will be allowed in the locker rooms to help dress their children and tie their skates. Players at the Squirt (10U) level and older should tie their own skates. Thus, their parents will not be allowed in the locker room without being Safesport certified.
- Locker Room monitors will be assigned per the coach during practice time. ALL locker room monitors MUST register as a Volunteer, submit a background check and be SafeSport Certified. Teams with males and females on their team should ensure that all players are dressed on time and appropriately so that all players can attend team meetings if held in a locker room without embarrassment or inconvenience. Accommodations will be made for female players to get dressed in separate facilities.
**Parents need to respect the time before and after a practice/game for the coaches to talk with the team in private to prepare or evaluate a practice/game.
Pick-up Tournaments: .
At the beginning of the season the Team Manager should work with the team’s Head Coach to search out and apply for tournaments. Before deciding to attend a tournament, the team should consider the following:
- What dates work for the team?
- Ask Parents who can commit, these are extra financial commitments on top of PJIF fees.
- Is there an application deadline?
- When do fees (deposit/registration fees/balance) need to be paid?
- Does a team roster need to be sent or any other documents and by what date?
- What other teams may be attending?
- Will the tournament present the team with the right level of challenge?
- What will the set-up be: How many games, round-robin, play-offs, overtime, etc.?
- How many games is the team guaranteed?
- Any unique rules?
- Covid Rules per individual rink?
- Is same day travel an option, or are hotel accommodations required for part/all the days?
- What other team activities are available during any downtime?
- Does the tournament offer any discounts for multiple tournaments?
SYTHL (Southern Youth Travel Hockey League) League Fees:
For Travel Teams- 10U, 12U, 14U & 16/18U, PJIF will send a check for the travel fees to the SYTHL on your team’s behalf. Familiarize yourself with the SYTHL BYLAWS. PLEASE REVIEW ALL USA HOCKEY CHANGES EACH SEASON.
- 24 -hour rule: Parents may not directly approach a coach with a complaint without first waiting 24 hours from the incident. This allows a “cooling off” period for all parties involved. Cooler heads make better decisions, and, in many cases, the complaint resolves itself or doesn’t seem as big of an issue after this time.
- Parents who believe they have a valid hockey-related concern (on-ice or team-related) should bring that concern to the TM at their player's level. The TM will evaluate and, if necessary, relay to the appropriate officials.
- Refer to “Parent Code of Conduct” which outlines general expectations. Respect the game by showing respect for players, officials, fans, coaches, and other parents.
- Parent Meeting – once your team is formed, a meeting with parents and coaches should be scheduled. The meeting is for information exchange as well as setting the expectations/goals for the season.
PJIF Compliance Report – This form is used to report improper behavior/actions witnessed at a PJIF Hockey event in front of spectators, players, employees, coaches and/or officials. The incident is documented and brought to the attention of the PJIF Secretary. They will review and decide if the USA Hockey SafeSport Guidelines and/or code(s) of conduct were violated.
Making sure your players/families are on the same page during the season is vital. Team Manager app makes it easy for coaches and team managers to manage teams. From the Team Manager app, you can control Rostering, Scheduling, and Messaging. Manage your schedule, communicate with parents, and manage RSVP for events and games as well as stream games for other parents.
Notifications and RSVPs
All players and staff on the team will be invited to new games or events by default and can RSVP through the Team Managers app or from their Account Settings. Encourage your team to RSVP so you know who will be attending the Practice/Game.
Team Chat
You can easily chat with the entire team by clicking the messages icon at the bottom

Adding a Game/Event to the Team Managers App
Log in, find your team.
1. Click on your team
2. Tap -->
bottom right of screen
3. Enter details for Game or Practice
4. Tap the check mark at the upper right corner to save.
Scoring a Game
If you are the designated scorekeeper for a game, you can keep score while the game is in progress or just enter it at the end and update the game status to complete. Hit the messages button once the game is about to start. There will be a score icon next to the message window, click that and follow prompts. It will send a message that the game has started once you finish the prompts. You will be able to send score updates and keep track of who scores.
Streaming a Game
1. click on app icon
2. at the top there are three options: Click Video
3. click “GO LIVE” follow prompts to allow video/audio from your phone.
Before the Game:
- Get Roster from Team Managers or Coaches. Score Sheets - NEW as of 2021 - go to SYTHL website and click on the Scoresheet Tab and print your score sheets for the weekend and they are pre-populated with the players and coaches and all of the game info! SYTHL rules when using these: o All roster changes need to be reported to John Sullivan, by Wednesday.
- By noon on Thursday before you host, the scoresheet tab will have a link for you to print the scoresheets! MAKE sure you print them landscape
- If you want to have a copy for the other teams or someone else, make a picture or scan the completed scoresheets.
- Have the head coach sign the score sheet before the beginning of the game. This verifies the roster and allows him the opportunity to list any suspended players or team officials.
During the game:
Scoring by Period Box
- List the number of goals per period.
- Total the number of goals for each goaltender get the end of the game score Goalkeepers Saves [Penalty Box will Count Goaltender Shots]
- This is the number of shots that did not go into the net. An easy way to keep saves is to make a hash mark on the side of the score sheet or a scrap piece of paper for every save. Draw a line under the last save each period. At the end of the game, add them up and place them in the correct box.
- Record the period and time that each goaltender entered the game after the game has started. Visiting/Home Team Scoring
- P= period goal scored (1st, 2nd, 3rd, OT)
- Time = Check the scoreboard and write down the time shown.
- G = Player number who scored
- A = 1st A is the player number who assisted fist.
- A = 2nd A is the player number who assisted second.
- It is helpful but not necessary to mark a goal as “sh” (short-handed) or “pp” (power play) for your statistician.
- NOTE #1: The referee should give you this information. For example, the referee will say goal by #10 from #2 and #44. You will put #10 in the G column, #2, in the 1st A column, and #44 in the second A column.
- NOTE #2: Check that the scored or assisted players are listed on the score sheet. If they are not listed let the referee know.
- NOTE#3: Note any goal scored while the goaltender was off the ice (empty-net goals).
Visiting/Home Penalties Boxes
- Per = period penalty received, i.e. 1, 2, 3, or OT
- NO = Number of the player receiving the penalty.
- Offense = reason for the penalty. The referee will give this information to you. (For example #10 White, tripping)
- MIN = Number of minutes of penalty. This will usually be 2, but it could be 5 or 10. The referee will tell you how many minutes.
- Off = Check the scoreboard and write down the time the penalty was given.
- Start = Will usually be the same as the time off. The only time this will not be the case is when there are already two penalties on the clock. This is not a real important stat so if you do not know this one, just leave it blank.
- ON = this is the time the player is allowed to leave the box. If there was no goal scored the time would be 2 minutes later than the time off. If a goal is scored, check the scoreboard for the time of the goal and enter this time as the on time. (This is important for stat purposes to determine if a power-play goal has occurred.) o NOTE #1: Multiple penalties go on multiple lines (e.g. A minor and misconduct for checking from behind are two penalties and must be recorded as such). If there are more penalties than will fit on the score sheet, use a second score sheet.
- NOTE #2: Penalty shots must be recorded in the penalty record. A penalty shot counts towards the team’s 15 penalties in a game, regardless of whether a goal is scored or not. Record the time, the player taking the shot, and the result of the shot.
- NOTE #3: Immediately inform the referee of any player that has received five penalties in the game (remember, penalties like checking from behind counts as two penalties).
Game Start Time - This is the time the game begins. Check the wall clock or your watch.
Finish Time -This is the time the game ends. Check the wall clock or your watch (the wall clock is preferable if available).
Time Outs - If a team takes a timeout, record which team took the timeout, the period, and the time the timeout was taken on the bottom of the score sheet.
Official Scorer - Print your name legibly. Officials - Referees sign their names.
Helpful Hints
1. Have a scrap piece of paper at the scorekeeper’s table to write down the information given to you by the referee. You can then enter the information on the score sheet after play has resumed, and things are not hurried.
2. If you know you are going to keep score for a game, ask your coach/manager for the score sheet in advance. You can then have all the header information filled in before the game begins. **Be sure to ask your coach if you have any suspended players and be sure that you enter that name in the SUSP box at the end of the roster section of the score sheet**
In ice hockey an amount of time in the box occurs for all penalties, unless circumstances call for an ejection or a penalty shot. If three or more players are serving penalties at once, the team will continue playing with three on the ice but will not be allowed to use the players in the box until their penalties expire.
Most leagues specify that a team cannot replace on the ice a member serving a minor (2-minute) penalty. This results in situations such as the power play, in which the opposing team outnumbers the penalized (shorthanded) team, and (in the event of coincidental minor penalties) situations in which both teams must skate with one less player on the ice.
If a team scores a goal while one or more of the opposing team is serving a non-coincidental minor penalty, the penalty with the least time remaining is canceled, and the player serving that penalty may return to the ice. In the case of a double-minor (4-minute) penalty, the penalty is treated as two consecutive 2-minute penalties. If the opposing team scores, only the penalty currently being served is canceled. If at least one penalty interval remains, the penalty clock is reset to reflect this (two minutes if one interval remains, four minutes if two intervals remain), and the player must remain in the box. If less than two minutes remain, the remaining penalty is canceled, and the player is released. A major (5-minute) or misconduct (10-minute) penalty must be served in full, regardless of the number of goals scored by the opposition. To keep play fair, coincidental minor penalties ("matching minor" penalties assessed to both teams simultaneously) are also served in full regardless of scoring.
Goaltenders never go to the penalty box even though they are assessed penalty minutes (but they can be ejected and replaced with a substitute). Any penalties enforced against goaltenders or the bench are served by a teammate, with many leagues requiring that teammate to have been on the ice when the penalty occurred.
Your Job
- Open the door for the start and release of the penalty(s)
- Have the player(s) sit for the majority of the penalty. You may allow them to stand the last few seconds to get back on the ice in a timely manner.
- Do not allow them to talk with coaches or other players.
- Keep track of “Shots on Goal” and “Saves” for the goaltender closest to your side. (This will change if you are watching the home team or away team each period)
- Give goaltender stats at the end of each period to the scorebook recorder.
What is a Shot on Goal?
In ice hockey, a shot on goal is a shot that will enter the goal if the goaltender does not stop it. A shot on goal must result in either a goal or a save. Every goal and every save count as shots on goal.
If the shot hits the goal post or crossbars it is not considered to be a shot on goal. This leads to an exception to the definition of a shot on goal. If the puck hits the goal post or crossbar, ricochets off the goaltender or player, and into the net, it is a goal, and therefore a shot on goal.
A shot that is deflected wide or blocked before it reaches the goaltender by a player is not counted as a shot on goal. If a goaltender blocks a shot that would have missed the net or hit the post, it is not considered a shot on goal. It is the judgment of the statistician which shots are counted as shots on goal.